Monday, November 23, 2009

I wonder at myself about how my mind can have so intricacies associated with it and still exist. Is it the question of existence that makes me wonder or subsistence or performance, I don't know. Everything around me makes me feel, I need to do a lot. Why still do I feel that I have accomplished what a person at my age should ideally have? Why do I feel I have a lot with me kept intact despite the storms I have been through?

Well, the answer to everything is life, I guess. Well, not a wild guess for sure, because that is how philosophers, elders or believers answer any abnormalities in other's and their own life. Anyways, I shall say THANK YOU GOD, you make me feel special just like any other person on the road. I still look forward to the next day, hoping it shall bring anew change, I still look at the time and think that my next hour will be more fruitful and I still look forward to the next interview hoping it will be successful! In short, hope is what is keeping me alive :)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Know Thyself

The biggest thing in life is self-analysis. The people who are able to understand themselves the best are able to actually understand the whole world. But that is not an easy job. You really got to try hard and continue trying because nobody is the same any single day.

This process and the ramifications you make henceforth actually can help you love your personality and it is most likely that you shall fall in love with yourself and shall become your best friend. So, Just hope thatI become my best friend soon :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Learn to ignore

What should one do when everything seems to be going wrong and you don't know the reason behind it. When you don't know the reason and you can't know it even. When you know things are going wrong and they would deteriorate...
The answer is ignore, ignore and ignore because that is not the last thing in the world you got to care about. There is more to life than all those stupid things which might be happening with you and then the world would seem to be beautiful.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Problems, Problems, Problems

At times, in our life we become too engrossed in our problems that we lose the power to think, We even lose the power to think the reason behind the problem and the only thing we know is the problem and problem. The solution is not quantitative, but yes the solution is in keeping yourself aside and thinking from somebody else's perspective. This helps because then we know that the problem is not in the problem but in the way we handle it. Everything has a solution, it could be a change in attitude, thinking or perspective but ultimately what matters is the way you handled it. And ya, make sure that everybody makes mistakes in life but you gotto come out of them. Try being positive and cheerful and you'll find that the solution is right there. Alwayz remember you've come in this world for a purpose and you gotto fulfill it by whatever means.
Good luck for the future problems.. Coz they are endless.. Life w/o problems is impossible. But remember: Try not being a problem to others.